Work Stealing

Work Stealing #

In the previous section we have discussed an implementation of a renderer that was reusing threads in a pool to render parts of an image. However, when different tasks consist of different amounts of work then that work might still not be distributed evenly among available threads in the pool.

The ForkJoinPool class provides a mechanism where tasks can be split recursively into sub-tasks. Every thread has its own task queue and sub-tasks created by a thread are scheduled to run on its own queue. However, if threads run out of tasks they can steal tasks from the queues of other threads in a dynamic attempt to distribute work more evenly.

Before using this mechanism to implement a renderer, we look at the API for using it.

Testing the API #

The following test creates a recursive task for computing a fibonacci number.

void testRecursiveTasks() {
    final ForkJoinPool pool = ForkJoinPool.commonPool();
    final Future<Integer> fib10 = pool.submit(new Fib(10));

    try {
        assertEquals(55, fib10.get());
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {}

We use ForkJoinPool.commonPool again to access an ExecutorService that is actually an instance of the ForkJoinPool class. As argument to submit, ForkJoinPool instances allow ForkJoinTasks which are usually created by subclassing one of two provided classes. Here is our definition of the Fib class as a subclass of RecursiveTask.

class Fib extends RecursiveTask<Integer> {
    final int n;

    Fib(final int n) {
        this.n = n;

    protected Integer compute() {
        if (n <= 1) {
            return n;
        } else {
            final Fib fib1 = new Fib(n - 1);
            final Fib fib2 = new Fib(n - 2);
            return fib2.compute() + fib1.join();

The compute method creates two recursive sub-tasks, schedules the first using the fork method, executes the second directly, and then combines the results, possibly waiting for the result of the first task using the join method. The join method is like get (ForkJoinTasks are actually futures) but behaves differently regarding exceptions. Also, join does not throw an InterruptedException when the calling thread is interrupted.

In practical applications of ForkJoinTasks the base case should not be as simple as in this example. The documentation mentions that, as a rule of thumb, the base case should execute between 100 and 10000 basic computation steps.

ForkJoinTasks behave differently compared to normal futures when cancelled. An argument signifying that executing threads should be interrupted is ignored by ForkJoinTasks as the following test demonstrates.

void testCancellingARecursiveAction() {
    final ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
    final List<?> interruptions = new ArrayList<>();

    final Future<?> future = pool.submit(new RecursiveAction() {
        protected void compute() {
            while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}


    try {
        assertFalse(pool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}


Unlike the presious test, this one does not use ForkJoinPool.commonPool for a reason discussed below. This time, we submit a RecursiveAction which differs from a RecursiveTask by the result type void of the compute method.

After giving the pool some time to start executing the task we cancel it, passing true to cancel in an attempt to interrupt the executing thread. However, our call to awaitTermination with a (rather long) timeout of one second shows that the task is not interrupted. If it was, awaitTermination would quite likely have returned true sooner than within one second. Finally, we force an immediate shutdown using shutdownNow and assert that indeed there have been no interruptions.

Our use of shutdown and shutdownNow is the reason why we did not use ForkJoinPool.commonPool. The common pool is shutdown only when exiting the program, so our tested task would run until then.

A work-stealing renderer #

We are now ready to implement a ForkJoinRenderer using ForkJoinTasks. Its render method creates a ForkJoinPool just like our last test instead of using the common pool in order to be able to shut it down.

public boolean render(final Box box) {
    final ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool();
    fork(pool, box);
    return join(pool);

The fork method creates a recursive action and executes it using the pool.

private void fork(final ForkJoinPool pool, final Box box) {
    pool.execute(new Action(box));

We use execute instead of submit which does not return a future. The join method shuts down the pool and waits until rendering is completed or the calling thread is interrupted.

private boolean join(final ExecutorService pool) {
    try {
        return pool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.HOURS);
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return false;

The timeout of one hour will rarely be reached in practice. We expect normal termination or interruption to occur sooner. When the calling thread is interrupted the rendering tasks are terminated by shutting down the pool immediately.

The class for recursive rendering actions is defined as follows.

private class Action extends RecursiveAction {
    private final Box box;

    Action(final Box box) { = box;

    protected void compute() {
        if (box.size.x * box.size.y < THRESHOLD) {
        } else {
            final List<Action> actions = box.split() //
                .map(Action::new) //
            if (actions.size() > 1) {
            } else {

It uses an appropriate threshold to decide whether to split a task further and uses an underlying StreamRenderer to render pixels in the base case. The method invokeAll forks all given tasks and waits for them to complete.

The following picture shows the same part of the Mandelbrot fractal that was rendered in the previous section but was rendered with the ForkJoinRenderer instead.

Picture of a work-stealing renderer

The colors show the effect of work stealing which allows to distribute the work in the bottom right corner more evenly among available processors.

Task: Using the common pool #

Change the implementation of the ForkJoinRenderer to use ForkJoinPool.commonPool instead of a custom pool. Modify the definition of fork to return a future representing the submitted action. Modify the definition of join to accept this future as argument instead of the pool. Modify the definition of recursive rendering actions to use the version of the render method of the underlying StreamRenderer that allows to check a custom thread for interruptions. Pass a custom Interruptible instance when constructing the actions, so it can be passed to calls to render in the base case. Can the rendering process still be aborted successfully after your changes?