barchart-0.1.1: Creating Bar Charts in HaskellContentsIndex
MaintainerSebastian Fischer <>
Reading from CSV files
Writing images
Creating bar charts
Bar chart representations
Creating diagrams
Benchmarking visualisation

This library provides functions and data type for generating bar charts, for example, from CSV files. If the functionality provided by the command-line program is insufficient for your needs, you can use the API provided by this library to draw custom bar charts.

The library provides high-level functions to generate bar-chart values from different types but also exports the underlying datatype and all functions used for rendering such that you have access to all internal details.

writeMultiBarChart :: Config -> FilePath -> [Label] -> IO ()
writeIntervalChart :: Config -> FilePath -> IO ()
writeMultiBarIntervalChart :: Config -> FilePath -> [Label] -> IO ()
data Config = Config {
outFile :: FilePath
outputType :: OutputType
caption :: Label
xLabel :: Label
yLabel :: Label
barColors :: [SomeColor]
dimensions :: (Int, Int)
ratio :: Double
fontSize :: Double
barRatio :: Double
type Label = String
multiBarChart :: (Measurable a, Read a) => [Label] -> CSV -> BarChart a
intervalChart :: (Measurable a, Read a) => CSV -> BarChart a
multiBarIntervalChart :: (Measurable a, Read a) => [Label] -> CSV -> BarChart a
class Num a => Measurable a where
size :: a -> Double
data MultiBars a = MultiBars [Label] [(Label, [a])]
parseMultiBars :: Read a => [Label] -> CSV -> MultiBars a
drawMultiBars :: Measurable a => MultiBars a -> BarChart a
newtype Intervals a = Intervals [(Label, (a, a, a))]
parseIntervals :: Read a => CSV -> Intervals a
drawIntervals :: Measurable a => Intervals a -> BarChart a
data MultiBarIntervals a = MBIntervals [Label] [(Label, [(a, a, a)])]
parseMultiBarIntervals :: Read a => [Label] -> CSV -> MultiBarIntervals a
drawMultiBarIntervals :: Measurable a => MultiBarIntervals a -> BarChart a
mergeIntervals :: Num a => [(Label, Intervals a)] -> MultiBarIntervals a
flipMultiBarIntervals :: MultiBarIntervals a -> MultiBarIntervals a
data BarChart a = BarChart {
block_labels :: [Label]
bars :: [Bar a]
data Bar a = Bar {
label :: Label
blocks :: [Block a]
data Block a
= Value a
| Interval {
mean :: a
lower :: a
upper :: a
render :: Measurable a => BarChart a -> IO ()
renderWith :: Measurable a => Config -> BarChart a -> IO ()
conf :: Config
diagram :: Measurable a => Config -> BarChart a -> Diagram
writeCriterionChart :: Config -> FilePath -> IO ()
writeComparisonChart :: Bool -> Config -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
criterionChart :: CSV -> BarChart RunTime
comparisonChart :: Bool -> [(Label, CSV)] -> BarChart RunTime
newtype RunTime = RunTime Double
writeProgressionChart :: Bool -> Config -> FilePath -> [Label] -> IO ()
progressionChart :: Bool -> [Label] -> CSV -> BarChart Ratio
newtype Ratio = Ratio Double
Reading from CSV files
There are three different modes for parsing simple CSV files: treating different values in one row as blocks of one bar, treating them as deviations from a mean value, or both.
Writing images
The following three functions implement these modes parsing the input from a CSV file and producing output in an image file.
:: Configwhere and how to draw the bar chart
-> FilePathCSV file to read
-> [Label]if non-empty, used as legend for blocks
-> IO ()
The first column of the CSV file is parsed as names of the bars. The height of each bar corresponds to the sum of all subsequent entries. If there is more than one entry, the bars are split into blocks.
:: Configwhere and how to draw the bar chart
-> FilePathCSV file to read
-> IO ()
The first column of the CSV file is parsed as names of the bars. Three entries following each bar name are parsed as mean, minimum, and maximum value and depicted using an interval next to the bar.
:: Configwhere and how to draw the bar chart
-> FilePathCSV file to read
-> [Label]legend for blocks
-> IO ()
The first column of the CSV file is parsed as names of the bars. The entries following each bar name are parsed as triples of mean, minimum, and maximum value and depicted using an interval next to the bar. The number of subsequent entries must be a multiple of three and each bar is divided into a corresponding number of blocks.
data Config
Specifies how bar charts are rendered
outFile :: FilePathfile to which the bar chart is written
outputType :: OutputTypeType of generated file
caption :: LabelTitle of the generated chart
xLabel :: LabelLabel of the x-axis
yLabel :: Labellabel of the y-axis
barColors :: [SomeColor]Colors for the different blocks of a bar. If there are fewer colors than blocks, then colors are reused in a cyclic fashion.
dimensions :: (Int, Int)Dimensions of the generated chart. The image will be a bit larger because of additiona space used for labels.
ratio :: DoubleScales the height of the chart. The given ratio is multiplied with the size of bars as given by the corresponding Measurable instance.
fontSize :: DoubleSpecifies the size of fonts used for labels.
barRatio :: DoubleValue between 0.0 and 1.0 which pecifies the width of bars. Zero means that the bars are lines and 1.0 means that the is no space between bars.
type Label = String
Creating bar charts
The previous functions use the following helper functions to create a BarChart from a CSV file.
:: (Measurable a, Read a)
=> [Label]legend for blocks
-> CSVcomma separated values to depict
-> BarChart a
Used by writeMultiBarChart to create a BarChart from a CSV file.
:: (Measurable a, Read a)
=> CSVcomma separated values to depict
-> BarChart a
Used by writeIntervalChart to create a BarChart from a CSV file.
:: (Measurable a, Read a)
=> [Label]legend for blocks
-> CSVcomma separated values to depict
-> BarChart a
Used by writeMultiBarIntervalChart to create a BarChart from | a CSV file.
class Num a => Measurable a where
Instances of this class can be depicted in bar charts.
size :: a -> Double
Measures the given value to figure out the correponding height of the bar.
show/hide Instances
Bar chart representations
The three different parsing modes are reflected by three data types that can be parsed from a CSV file.
data MultiBars a
Values of this type are drawn as charts where each bar may consist of multiple blocks.
MultiBars [Label] [(Label, [a])]
show/hide Instances
parseMultiBars :: Read a => [Label] -> CSV -> MultiBars a
Converts a CSV file to be drawn as a chart where each bar may consist of multiple blocks.
drawMultiBars :: Measurable a => MultiBars a -> BarChart a
Converts bars with multiple blocks into their BarChart representation.
newtype Intervals a
Values of this type are drawn as charts where each bar has an associated deviation depicted as an interval next to the bar.
Intervals [(Label, (a, a, a))]
show/hide Instances
parseIntervals :: Read a => CSV -> Intervals a
Converts a CSV file to be drawn as a chart where each bar has an attached deviation depicted as an interval next to the bar.
drawIntervals :: Measurable a => Intervals a -> BarChart a
Converts bars with associated deviation into their BarChart representation.
data MultiBarIntervals a
Values of this type are drawn as charts where each bar may be divided into multiple blocks with an associated deviation depicted as intervals next to them.
MBIntervals [Label] [(Label, [(a, a, a)])]
show/hide Instances
parseMultiBarIntervals :: Read a => [Label] -> CSV -> MultiBarIntervals a
Converts a CSV file to be drawn as a chart where each bar may consist of multiple blocks which have an attached deviation depicted as an interval next to them.
drawMultiBarIntervals :: Measurable a => MultiBarIntervals a -> BarChart a
Converts bars with multiple blocks and associated deviations into their BarChart representation.
When you have multiple CSV files representing an interval chart, you can merge them to a single multi-bar interval chart. Such charts can be flipped such that bars and blocks change their roles.
mergeIntervals :: Num a => [(Label, Intervals a)] -> MultiBarIntervals a
Merges several interval charts into a chart where each bar has multiple blocks that represent the different interval charts.
flipMultiBarIntervals :: MultiBarIntervals a -> MultiBarIntervals a
Swaps bars and blocks of a chart that contains both and associated deviations.
Bar charts are represented as values of type BarChart a.
data BarChart a
Bar charts consist of a (possibly empty) list of labels for the diferent blcks of bars and the bars themselves.
block_labels :: [Label]Labels of blocks in bars. Drawn as a legend if non-empty.
bars :: [Bar a]The different bars of the chart.
show/hide Instances
Show a => Show (BarChart a)
data Bar a
Represents one bar of a bar chart.
label :: LabelLabel written underneath
blocks :: [Block a]Different blocks of the bar. Simple charts contain only one block per bar.
show/hide Instances
Show a => Show (Bar a)
data Block a
Bocks either have a single associated value or a mean value along with minimum and maximum deviation.
Value a
mean :: a
lower :: a
upper :: a
show/hide Instances
Show a => Show (Block a)
Values of type BarChart a can be rendered to PNG, SVG, PDF, and PS files.
render :: Measurable a => BarChart a -> IO ()
Renders a bar chart as barchart.png according to the default configuration conf.
renderWith :: Measurable a => Config -> BarChart a -> IO ()
Renders a bar chart according to a custom configuration.
conf :: Config
The default configuration generates a PNG file with a chart of size 600x300 pixels. The output file is left unspecified and you should provide one if you use a cstom configuration.
Creating diagrams
Bar charts are rendered by conversion into Diagrams.
diagram :: Measurable a => Config -> BarChart a -> Diagram
This function can be used to embed bar charts into bigger Diagrams.
Benchmarking visualisation
There are special functions for parsing data generated by the benchmarking tools criterion and progression.
writeCriterionChart :: Config -> FilePath -> IO ()
Reads a summary file generated by criterion and writes a corresponding bar chart.
writeComparisonChart :: Bool -> Config -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
Reads multiple summary files generated by criterion and creates a bar chart to compare them. If the first argument is True the chart is flipped such that the bars represent different benchmarks rather than summaries.
criterionChart :: CSV -> BarChart RunTime
Used by writeCriterionChart to generate a bar chart from criterion's summary file.
comparisonChart :: Bool -> [(Label, CSV)] -> BarChart RunTime
Used by writeComparisonChart to generate a bar chart from multiple summary files generated by criterion.
newtype RunTime
Wrapper around the Double type used in bar charts for criterion summary files. It has a custom Show instance to produce labels like 10ms or 2h rather than showing the plain Double values.
RunTime Double
show/hide Instances
writeProgressionChart :: Bool -> Config -> FilePath -> [Label] -> IO ()
Reads the plot.csv file generated by progression and creates a corresponding bar chart.
progressionChart :: Bool -> [Label] -> CSV -> BarChart Ratio
Used by writeProgressionChart to generate a bar chart from progression's plot.csv file.
newtype Ratio
Wrapper around the double type used in bar charts for progression summaries. It has a custom Show instance that shows the Double values as percentages.
Ratio Double
show/hide Instances
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