lazy FLP in pure Haskell

This literate program explains how to express programs written in the lazy functional logic programming language Curry in pure Haskell using the explicit-sharing package. If you have not done so already you may want to read the tutorial introduction to this package first.

lazy permutation sort in Curry

Lazy functional logic programming is tailor made for expressing demand driven search algorithms concisely. For example, we can express sorting as a demand driven search problem in Curry as follows.

sort :: [Int] -> [Int]
sort l | isSorted p = p where p = permute l

Sorting is usually not expressed as a search problem but let's not care for a moment and pretend we don't know better. Even if we don't know anything about sorting we can implement it using the above algorithm which reads: to sort a list, permute it such that it is sorted.

Note that we have successfully split the task of sorting into two independent tasks that are easier to implement: how to permute a list and how to check whether a list is sorted.

Lazy functional logic programming provides the machinery to implement these tasks separately, yet execute them in a trickily interleaved way, such that the generating part (which permutes lists) produces values only to the extend demanded by the testing part (which checks whether a list is sorted).

We can implement the tester and generator for the above sorting algorithm in Curry as follows.

isSorted :: [Int] -> Bool
isSorted [] = True
isSorted [_] = True
isSorted (x:y:zs) = x <= y && isSorted (y:zs)

permute :: [a] -> [a]
permute [] = []
permute (x:xs) = insert x (permute xs)

insert :: a -> [a] -> [a]
insert x xs = x : xs
insert x (y:ys) = y : insert x ys

In Curry the rules of a function are not matched from top to bottom (picking the first) but tried non-deterministically. Hence, insert can yield different non-deterministic results when applied to a non-empty list and so can permute.

A more interesting observation, however, is the following: the predicate isSorted yields False if it sees two adjacent elements that are out of order without demanding subsequent elements of the list. The function isSorted can reject a permutation based on the first two elements and if it does the permutations of the remaining elements need not be computed. This contributes greately to the efficiency of the presented sorting algorithm (which has nevertheless exponential run time).

lazy permutation sort in Haskell

In order to model this algorithm in pure Haskell we can use the MonadPlus type class to express non-determinism and the module

import Control.Monad.Sharing

for explicit sharing. However, in order to maintain the laziness of the algorithm we need a data type for non-deterministic lists that can be computed on demand. More specifically, we need to be able to yield the first element of a list whose tail is yet to be computed non-deterministically.

The List data type provided by this module

import Data.Monadic.List

has nested monadic components which is exactly what we need. All we have to do is translate the Curry functions above (which use implicit non-determinism and implicit sharing) into equivalent Haskell functions that use explicit non-determinism and explicit sharing. Here we go:

sort :: (MonadPlus m, Sharing m) => m (List m Int) -> m (List m Int)
sort l = do p <- share (permute =<< l)
True <- isSorted =<< p

The sort function uses the combinator share to obtain a non-deterministic permutation p of the list l which is used twice. Once as parameter to isSorted, once as the result of sort. The combinator share ensures that both occurrences of p evaluate to the same result but can still be demanded lazily, which is especially important for the first occurrence of p.

The predicate isSorted checks whether a non-deterministic list is sorted and demands the given list only until it finds two elements out of order.

isSorted :: Monad m => List m Int -> m Bool
isSorted Nil = return True
isSorted (Cons mx mxs) = do xs <- mxs
case xs of
Nil -> return True
Cons my mys -> do b <- liftM2 (<=) mx my
if b then isSorted =<< mxs
else return False

The functions permute and insert are non-deterministic:

permute :: MonadPlus m => List m a -> m (List m a)
permute Nil = nil
permute (Cons mx mxs) = insert mx (permute =<< mxs)

insert :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m (List m a) -> m (List m a)
insert mx mxs = cons mx mxs
`mplus` do Cons my mys <- mxs
cons my (insert mx mys)

We can now execute lazy permutation sort in Haskell.

*Main> evalLazy (sort (convert [(10::Int),9..1])) :: [[Int]]

The function evalLazy runs the computation in a lazy monad with explicit sharing and converts nested non-deterministic lists to ordinary lists. The function convert converts in the other direction.