Changes w.r.t. version 0.1

The interface of the library for explicit sharing has changed since the first version to incorporate an alternative implementation and support conversion between nested monadic data and ordinary Haskell types.

converting nested monadic data

The is now a type class Convertible defined as follows.

class Convertible m a b
convArgs :: (forall c d . Convertible m c d => c -> m d) -> a -> m b

This type class supports converting back and forth between nested monadic data and isomorphic ordinary Haskell data. You can find example instances for monadic lists in the tutorial.

Nondet is now Shareable

The type class Nondet has been replaced by a generalized type class Shareable that allows the monad which is used for the transformation of arguments to be different from the monad that wraps nested arguments. Instead of the operation

mapNondet :: (forall b . Nondet m b => m b -> m (m b)) -> a -> m a

the class Shareable defines the following operation.

shareArgs :: Monad n => (forall b . Shareable m b => m b -> n (m b)) -> a -> n a

This generalization allows to use a state monad when sharing arguments even if no state monad is used to represent monadic arguments and was necessary to implement the alternative approach to explicit sharing.

alternative implementation

There is an experimental version of an alternative implementation available via the module Control.Monad.Sharing.FirstOrder. It represents monadic actions as first order data types instead of state-passing functions and, hence, supports (some) sharing across non-determinism.

This implementation is not (yet) as efficient as the continuation-based default implementation, so you should usually use the original version and only resort to the new one, if your program benefits considerably from sharing across non-determinism as provided by the new implementation.

An example program that benefits from sharing across non-determinism is the following:

import Control.Monad.Sharing.FirstOrder
import Data.Monadic.List

import Prelude hiding ( last )

listOf :: (MonadPlus m, Sharing m, Shareable m a) => m a -> m (List m a)
listOf x = nil
`mplus` do y <- share x
cons y (listOf y)

The function listOf non-deterministically yields a list of arbitrary length that only contains the given element (which may itself be non-deterministic).

If we apply listOf to an expensive computation this computation would be reexecuted on every non-deterministic branch on which it is demanded. This behaviour resembles the behaviour of the Curry systems PAKCS and MCC. If we use the alternative implementation of explicit sharing the expensive computation is only executed once if its result is a first-order value which is the case in this example, if the underlying monad is, e.g., the list monad. This behaviour resembles the behaviour of the Curry system KiCS.

We can observe the difference by applying the last function to the result of listOf.

last :: (MonadPlus m, Sharing m, Shareable m a) => List m a -> m a
last Nil = mzero
last (Cons mx mxs) = do mys <- share mxs
ys <- mys
case ys of
Nil -> mx
Cons mz mzs -> last =<< mys

As expensive computation we use the recursive implementation of the Fibonacci function in monadic style.

fib :: Monad m => Int -> m Int
fib n | n < 2 = return n
| otherwise = liftM2 (+) (fib (n-2)) (fib (n-1))

If we now query some solutions of the following computation

 > mapM_ print $ take 5 (evalLazy (last =<< listOf (fib 30)) :: [Int])

The solutions are printed slowly one after the other if we use the default implementation of explicit sharing and almost simultaneously if we use the alternative version. The default version recomputes fib 30 the alternative version does not.